wieder available ab august 2024
For everytime you wish you would show who you actually are on the outside.
For everytime you start getting anxiety thinking about going shopping.
For everytime you open the closet and pick out the same 3 outfits.
For everytime you have a meeting and changing outfits 3x before going in.
For everytime you feel like wearing a costume.
For everytime you are overwhelmed with the choices online and offline.
Everytime will become sometime and sometime will become never again.
I will analyze your body shape, best shapes, best textures, best patterns and best accessories all within your style personality that is individual
to only you.
You will learn the way to dress that harmonizes best with your body and your personality.
How does it work?
After booking, I will send you an extensive questionnaire to get to know you and your style personality. Everything is done online and easy for you to upload.Virtual Body Analysis
Price list
After receiving all your pictures and information you will get a 20 page document detailling:- a guide on how I arrived at your results explaining what makes you you
- your best cuts & shapes in clothing
- best fabrics & patterns to use
- the best textures & accessories which align best with your personality and silhouette
- a visual guide of your personality style & what it means when getting dressed
- examples of outfits for your silhouette for inspiration
- my own created pinterest board for your body & personality type
220.- Euro incl. VAT (Business excl. VAT)
Safe € by adding on the virtual colour analysis to round off the perfect style experience.
No pictures or results are being shared without your permission.
This is a judge free zone, I see you as a whole and am here to help
you find the perfect way to harmonize your inner world with the outter one.